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English translation for "private equity investment"


Related Translations:
equity investments:  股票分析
private debt:  私人债务
private function:  私有函数
private spot:  私人展示位置
private street:  私有街道;私家街道
private capital:  民间资本私人资本
private system:  私有系统
private landowner:  私有土地业权人
private ethics:  私有伦理
private vessel:  私营船舶
Example Sentences:
1.Private equity investment in environment , health care and education related projects
2.Private equity investment
3.In 2002 , he became senior consultant to warburg pincus , a world - renown private equity investment firm
4.In 2002 , he became senior consultant to warburg pincus , a world - renown private equity investment firm
5.First eastern , among the pioneers of private equity investments in mainland china , has operated in the gulf region for 15 years
6.The figures indicate that europe is catching up with the us as a destination for private equity investments , according to mr echarri , who said the us raised
7.They have taken on more risk as they have moved from more transparent markets , in which margins are slim , to more profitable portfolios of derivatives and direct private equity investments
8.We are a seed and early stage private equity investment firm specializing in e - businesses and e - commerce enabling / infrastructure projects which either target the asian market and / or which have operations based in asia
9.We are a los angeles - based private equity investment manager that manages three separate private equity capital pools . preferred industry sectors : commercial and consumer service companies , light manufacturing , communications
10.Today , venture capital investing represents a significant focus of most institutional or corporate investment portfolios , and many of the largest venture funds are operated by major financial institutions , or by subsidiaries specifically designed for private equity investment
Similar Words:
"private equity firm" English translation, "private equity firms" English translation, "private equity fund" English translation, "private equity funds" English translation, "private equity invest-ment trust" English translation, "private estate agent" English translation, "private ethics" English translation, "private examination" English translation, "private exchange" English translation, "private expenses" English translation